
AutoUpdate / AutoConfiguration
Appendix B - AutoUpdate / AutoConfiguration
(Revision 1.02)
AutoUpdate / AutoConfiguration Setup & Use
The OmniTerm, with access to a DHCP server and an FTP server, can power
on and automatically update its firmware version and/or its configuration if
newer objects are available on the FTP server. In addition, DHCP can provide
various RDP/ICA connection parameters.
Note: See SNMP User Guide for more information on building and preparing a
configuration image.
DHCP Extended Options
Options 206 through 209 are defined as FTP AutoUpdate/Config options.
The OmniTerm firmware files are can be retrieved from the WEB or accessed
via E-mail. The Configuration files are generated using the WBT SNMP
Administrator program
Important Note:
All values are defined as “string” type values!
FTP Server: The IP address or Name of the FTP server to be used for Auto
FTP Path: Path name (e.g. /etauto) to the Auto setup directory containing the
firmware version update files (manafest.dub & associated '.bin' files; some
6MB) plus the configuration files
(SnmpAutoConfig.sac & associated '.bin' file; some 240KB).
FTP User Name: User sign on name (if required)
FTP Password: Sign on password (if required)