
Advanced Terminal Customization
C.4.2 - Autostart Delay Feature
Terminal versions: E5404 or above.
The Autostart Delay feature was added to allow for circumstances where
the network connection was not established by the time the sessions
would be autostarted. For example, when using wireless networking, it is
possible that the terminal will not authenticate to the Access Point by the
time the session has started. This would result in the session failing to
connect to the host. A delay can be inserted before Autostart begins which
resolves this issue.
The Autostart Delay feature must be enabled via a registry change.
The dword value is:
The value is in seconds and can be up to 99. A recommended value is 10
if required at all.
A simple way to implement this change would be to use the following
create a new, empty registry by pressing the "New Setting" icon in
the Remote Setting tab
create the tree:
create the dword: AutoStartDelay
enter the value of "10"
click the SaveAll icon
rename the file from "NewSetting" to "autostart delay"
click the SaveAll icon
drag/drop this change on to any terminal