DDR3THIN-MN-XXX 69 Doc. Rev. 1.11
7.1 Symbolic Triggering on a Command using B_DDR3D_XX Supports
A Symbol Table has been included for the Control data groups defined in each of the support
packages. The Symbol Table for the B_DDR3D_2D / 3A supports is shown in Table 8; the
Symbol Table for the B_DDR3D_2G support is shown in Table 9. The use of Symbol Tables
when triggering makes it easier for the user to define a given cycle to be triggered on. Rather
than trying to remember what signals make up the Control group, the Symbol Table has the
appropriate bits already set for the given cycle.
It is important to note that changing the channel definition of the Control group can result in
incorrect symbol information being displayed.
Symbol Definition
cc ssss = x1 1110 for S0#
cc ssss = 1x 1101 for S1#
cc ssss = x1 1011 for S2#
cc ssss = 1x 0111 for S3#
x in Definition = Don’t Care
MRS – Sx# MODE REGISTER SET cc ssss xxx xxx xx000
REF – Sx# REFRESH cc ssss xxx xxx xx001
PRE – Sx# SINGLE BANK PRECHARGE cc ssss xxx xxx x0010
PREA – Sx# PRECHARGE ALL BANKS cc ssss xxx xxx x1010
ACT – Sx# ACTIVATE BANK cc ssss xxx xxx xx011
WR – Sx# WRITE cc ssss xxx xxx x0100
cc ssss xxx xxx x1100
RD – Sx# READ cc ssss xxx xxx x0101
cc ssss xxx xxx x1101
NOP –Sx# NO OPERATION cc ssss xxx xxx xx111
DES - DEVICE DESELECT cc ssss xxx xxx xxxxx
ZQCL – Sx# ZQ CALIBRATION LONG cc ssss xxx xxx x1110
ZQCS – Sx# ZQ CALIBRATION SHORT cc ssss xxx xxx x0110
Table 8 - B_DDR3D_2D / 3A Control Symbol Table
Signals, left-to-right: CKE1, CKE0, S3#, S2#, S1#, S0#, BA2, BA1, BA0, A15, A14, A13,
A12/BC#, A10/AP, RAS#, CAS#, WE#