DDR3THIN-MN-XXX 11 Doc. Rev. 1.11
1.3 Eye size required
The Eye size (stable data) required at the input resistor to the Nexus passive probes (NEX-
PRB1X(-T) & NEX-PRB2X(-T)) is 330ps, and 0.2V. Capture accuracy may be affected if a
stable eye can not meet this requirement. . The eye is a perfectly shaped diamond with each side
equal distant from the center.
To Install the NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN software support place the B_DDR3D_XX Install CD in
the CD drive of the TLA or the PC being used to control the TLA. Using Windows Explorer
select the CD, navigate to the support_software folder, select the folder of the support to be
installed (B_DDR3D_2D, B_DDR3D_2G or B_DDR3D_3A) and then run the .MSI file within
the folder. The selected software will be installed on the TLA’s hard disk.
To load the support into the TLA, first select the desired Logic Analyzer module (different
supports require different module counts) in the Setup window, select Load Support Package
from the File pull-down, then choose the software package name you are want to load and click
on Okay. Note that this support requires two or more merged modules and that the TLA
acquisition cards must be configured properly for the software to load.