DDR3THIN-MN-XXX 44 Doc. Rev. 1.11
Prior to configuring your NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN support package it is strongly recommended
that Appendix A (“How DDR Data is Clocked”), section 5.4 (“Selecting DDR Read Sample
Points”) and section 5.5. (“Selecting DDR Write Sample Points”) be read. This background
information is very helpful and facilitates proper support configuration.
5.1 A Note About the Different Data Groups
The NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN support software have three different areas where signal groups are
defined to provide specific functionality. There are the MagniVu data groups (see Table 4) are
the groups that contain raw MagniVu data. Storage data groups (see Tables 1, 2 and 3) can be
seen in the acquisition card Setup window and contain the data stored in Main Memory which is
used for the Listing display. Capture data groups (not defined in this manual) are the groups seen
in the TLA’s Setup & Hold dialog box and are the groups used to capture data during each DDR
clock cycle. The MagniVu and Capture data groups will be referred to in the following
explanation on determining and setting the correct sample points to acquire Read and Write data.
Please contact your local Tektronix representative for a detailed explanation of the different data
group areas and what they mean.
5.2 MagniVu Signals
Because of the design of the Tektronix TLA7BB4 acquisition cards different data groups need to
be defined for use within MagniVu. Table 4 shows the MagniVu group definitions present in the
B_DDR3D_2D/_2G supports. Table 5 shows the MagniVu group definitions present in the
B_DDR3D_3A support.