VXI-MIO Series User Manual G-2
National Instruments Corporation
A amperes
A16 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 64 KB short address
space. In VXI, the upper 16 KB of A16 space is allocated for use
by VXI module’s configuration registers. This 16 KB region is
referred to as VXI configuration space.
A24 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 16 MB standard
address space.
A32 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 4 GB extended
address space.
AC alternating current
ACH analog input channel signal
A/D analog-to-digital
ADC A/D converter
address space A set of 2
memory locations differentiated from other such sets
in VXI/VMEbus systems by six addressing lines known as
address modifiers.
is the number of address lines required to
uniquely specify a byte location in a given space. Valid numbers
for n are 16, 24, and 32. In VME/VXI, because there are six
address modifiers, there are 64 possible address spaces.
address window A portion of address space that can be accessed from the
application program.
AIGATE analog input gate signal
AIGND analog input ground signal
AISENSE analog input sense signal
AISENSE2 analog input sense 2 signal
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOGND analog output ground signal