Appendix A Specifications for VXI-MIO-64XE-10
National Instruments Corporation A-13 VXI-MIO Series User Manual
Analog Output
Output Characteristics
Number of channels .......................... 2 voltage
Resolution ......................................... 16 bits, 1 in 65,536
Max update rate................................. 100 kS/s
Type of DAC .................................... Double-buffered
FIFO buffer size................................ 2,048 samples
Data transfers .................................... DMA, interrupts, programmed
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy (INL) .................... ±0.5 LSB typ, ±1 LSB max
DNL.................................................. ±1 LSB max
Monotonicity..................................... 16 bits, guaranteed
Offset error
After calibration..........................305 µV max
Before calibration .......................20 mV max
Gain error (relative to internal reference)
After calibration..........................±30.5 ppm max
Before calibration .......................±2,000 ppm max
Voltage Output
Range................................................ ±10 V, 0 to 10 V
(software selectable)
Output coupling................................. DC
Output impedance ............................. 0.1 Ω max
Current drive..................................... ±5 mA
Protection ......................................... Short-circuit to ground
Power-on state................................... 0 V (± 20 mV)
Dynamic Characteristics
Settling time for full-scale step.......... 10 µs to ±1 LSB accuracy
Slew rate ........................................... 5 V/µs
Noise................................................. 60 µVrms, DC to 1 MHz