
© National Instruments Corp. Index-17 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
TIMO status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type (table), 3-4
description, A-2
TNT4882C hardware, 7-2
*TRG command, 3-15
triggering devices, example, 2-4 to 2-5
troubleshooting. See debugging; wibic utility.
turn display off (-) function, wibic, 5-15
turn display on (+) function, wibic, 5-15
Visual Basic
compiling, linking, and running applications, 3-18
direct entry, 3-23
files available with NI-488.2 software, 1-7
wait function. See ibwait function.
WaitSRQ routine
conducting serial polls, 7-8
waiting for measurement, 3-15 to 3-16
wibconf utility
batch mode, 8-13 to 8-15
command pairs (table), 8-15
configuration file, 8-13 to 8-14
configuration options, 8-7 to 8-11
assert REN when SC, 8-9
base I/O address, 8-10
bus timing, 8-10
cable length for high speed, 8-10
DMA channel, 8-11
enable auto serial polling, 8-9
enable CIC protocol, 8-9
enable repeat addressing, 8-11
EOS byte, 8-8
GPIB-PCII/IIA mode switch, 8-11
interrupt jumper setting, 8-11
parallel poll duration, 8-10
primary GPIB address, 8-7
secondary GPIB address, 8-7
send EOI at end of write, 8-9
serial poll timeout, 8-8
set EOI with EOS on writes, 8-8
System Controller, 8-9