
© National Instruments Corp. Index-13 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
placing board offline, 3-16
processing of data, 3-16
program shell (illustration), 3-12
reading measurement, 3-16
triggering instruments, 3-15
waiting for measurement, 3-15 to 3-16
NI-488.2 DLL
choosing how to access, 3-1
requirements for direct access, 3-1
unloading or reloading NI-488.2 driver, 1-9
NI-488.2 routines. See also NI-488.2 applications, programming.
parallel polling, 7-12
programming considerations, 3-3
serial polling, 7-8 to 7-10
serial polling examples
using AllSpoll, 7-9 to 7-10
using FindRQS, 7-9
using in wibic
issuing set command before using, 5-13
Receive, 5-13 to 5-14
Send, 5-13
SendList, 5-13
wibic syntax, 5-8 to 5-9
NI-488.2 software, 1-6 to 1-9. See also application development; NI-488 functions;
NI-488.2 routines.
C language files, 1-7
driver and driver utilities, 1-6 to 1-7
interaction with Windows, 1-8
reloading, 1-9
unloading, 1-9
Visual Basic files, 1-7
win 32S files, 1-8
nivdmad.386 device, 1-6
nivgpibd.386 device, 1-6
NRFD (not ready for data) line, 1-3
number syntax in wibic, 5-4
output options, GPIB Spy utility, 6-4