
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows Index-10 © National Instruments Corp.
high-speed data transfers (HS488), 7-2 to 7-3
enabling HS488, 7-2 to 7-3
setting cable length, 8-10
system configuration effects, 7-3
highlight color, setting, 6-3
ibask function, 7-3
ibclr function
clearing devices, 3-8
using in wibic, example, 5-2
ibcmd function, 7-2
ibcnt and ibcntl variables. See count variables - ibcnt and ibcntl.
ibconfig function
configuring GPIB board as CIC, 7-3 to 7-4
determining assertion of EOI line, 7-1
enabling autopolling, 7-6
enabling EVENT bit, 7-5
enabling high-speed data transfers, 7-2 to 7-3
reconfiguring GPIB driver, 4-5 to 4-6
ibdev function
conducting parallel polls, 7-11
opening devices, 3-8
using in wibic, 5-10 to 5-11
example, 5-2
ibdiag utility
purpose, 1-7
testing hardware configuration, 4-6
ibeos function, 7-1
ibeot function, 7-1
iberr. See error variable - iberr.
ibevent function, 7-5
ibfind function, 5-10
ibonl function
placing board offline, 3-16
placing device offline, 3-10
using in wibic, example, 5-4
ibppc function
conducting parallel polls, 7-10
unconfiguring device for parallel polling, 7-12
ibrd function
using in wibic, 5-12
example, 5-4
ibrpp function, 7-11