NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 36 ni.com
Calibration Error Codes
Table 9 list the calibration error codes that can be returned by the
calibration functions described in the NI-TUNER Calibration API Function
Reference section.
Table 9. Calibration Error Codes
Error Code Description
–90001 The specified calibration session is already open.
–90002 The supplied password is too long; passwords are four standard characters
(32 bits).
–90003 The supplied password is incorrect.
–90004 No password was supplied; a valid password is required for this operation.
–90005 NI-DAQ cannot be loaded; the Windows system directory was not found.
–90006 NI-TUNER function not found; you must have NI-DAQ 6.9.2 or later installed.
–90007 NI-DAQ was not found in the Windows system directory and could not be
–90008 This function is not supported.
–90009 This function has not been implemented.
–90010 The calibration session handle is closed.
–90011 The device number is out of range (1–64).
–90012 The specified calHandle is out of range (1–64).
–90013 The clock source is invalid.
–90014 The IF option is invalid.
–90015 The RF option is invalid.
–90016 The calibration procedure is invalid.
27xxx,–27xxx Errors beginning with 27 or –27 are NI-TUNER driver errors. Refer to the
NI-TUNER Reference Help for more information on these errors.