
Lookout Operator’s Manual G-4 www.natinst.com
.l4p files File extension for Lookout process files. These are the compiled files
Lookout runs when it runs a process.
.l4t files File extension for a Lookout state file, which stores the values for Lookout
controls and other objects with state information.
.lka files File extension for Lookout security files.
.lkp files File extension for Lookout process files in versions of Lookout earlier than
Lookout 4.
.lks files File extension for a Lookout source file, which Lookout compiles to make
a Lookout process file that Lookout can run. This is the file you should
make sure you keep backed up in case you need to recreate a corrupted
process file, or in case some future version of Lookout cannot run a process
file compiled in an earlier version of Lookout.
ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity, a standard application programming
interface (API) for accessing a database. You can use ODBC statements to
access files in a number of different databases, including Access, dBase,
DB2, and Excel.
ODBC is compatible with the Structured Query Language (SQL)
Call-Level Interface. ODBC handles SQL requests by converting them into
requests an ODBC database can use.
process In Lookout, process refers to a Lookout “program”, used for industrial
automation, control, monitoring, or reporting.
process file The Lookout binary file Lookout executes when running a process. Carries
.l4p extension.