Chapter 3 Lookout Runtime Menu Commands
Lookout Operator’s Manual 3-2 www.natinst.com
If for some reason Lookout refuses to load a .l4p process file, you can
attempt to recompile by opening a Lookout
.lks file. Select Lookout
Source Files (*.lks) in the Files of Type combo box.
Security Level: 8
Shortcut Keys: none
The F
ile»Reopen command reloads the currently executing process from
disk. This in turn clears all alarms from the alarm window. All trends and
setpoints, however, retain their previous values.
Security Level: 8
Shortcut Keys: none
The F
ile»Close command halts execution of a currently loaded process file.
If you are running more than one process, Lookout prompts you to select
the process you want to close. You can only close one process at a time with
this command.
If you made changes to your process file (such as opening the state file to
recompile) and have not saved your work, Lookout first prompts you to do
so before letting you close your process.
If you made no changes, or after you have chosen to save or discard any
changes you may have made, Lookout then prompts you to make sure you
want to close the process.
The process continues to execute until you answer Yes.