© National Instruments Corporation G-1 Lookout Operator’s Manual
Prefix Meaning Value
m- milli- 10
k- kilo- 10
M- mega- 10
alarm Software notification of a condition in a process. This alarm may call
attention of a value that has exceeded or fallen below certain levels, set in
the object database or in an Alarm object.
Citadel The Lookout historical database that stores your data for access later.
client A Lookout process that monitors a Lookout server process. Lookout clients
should be computer independent so that they can be run from any computer
on your network. Lookout server processes run on computers actually
connected to your control hardware.
comm port Term sometimes used for a serial port.
connection Input to a Lookout object’s writable data members.
control objects Lookout objects you use to control a process, change a data value, adjust a
register, and so on.
controllable objects Lookout objects you can control with a Lookout control object.
CTS Clear to Send. Part of a handshaking protocol for certain devices that
connect the serial port of a computer.