
The UNIDISK 2.1 player represents a new kind of source product from Linn that embodies
our continuing desire to simplify access to high quality home entertainment. This unique
true convergence” product has been designed and engineered to unite all quality disk
formats and offer the highest levels of performance. The product features Linn’s
adaptive SILVER DISK ENGINE technology which, unlike the signal processing systems
within the majority of multi-format players, allows all disc formats to be played back to
their maximum potential. Practically, this means that the product delivers both music
and movies to an exceptionally high standard, and it will integrate with, and improve
almost any system.
Disc types
Discs marked with the following logos are compatible with your UNIDISK 2.1:
In addition, the UNIDISK 2.1 will play most copy-protected audio discs and data discs
containing MP3, MPEG2 and JPEG files.
Important note
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure universal compatibility with all approved
disc types, it is impossible to guarantee full operation of every function of the Linn
UNIDISK 2.1 player with every disc that is on sale now or in the future. We have tested
many of the disc types that are currently available but many discs that are on sale at
this time do not conform to the published and accepted formal specifications. For this
wwee aarree uunnaabbllee ttoo aacccceepptt aannyy rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr tthhee ppllaayyeerr bbeeiinngg uunnaabbllee ttoo
ppllaayybbaacckk aannyy ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ddiisscc..
If you have discs that do not play on the Linn UNIDISK 2.1,
which are subsequently found to play on other brands of player, then this does not imply
that the Linn UNIDISK 2.1 is in any way at fault. There are many web sites that display
details of discs that have known playback problems and we suggest that you consult
with this published data before you make any judgments regarding the Linn
UNIDISK 2.1’s playback abilities. We welcome the receipt of all suspect discs as this may
assist us in ensuring that the Linn UNIDISK 2.1 continues to develop but cannot accept
discs from end users on the basis that we have made any warranty about being able to
learn how to play them.
Novelty discs
Do not play irregularly shaped discs (heart-shaped, business card size, etc) in the
UNIDISK 2.1 as they may damage the player.
Audio outputs
The audio outputs for compatible disc types are as follows:
*Means as many audio channels as are present in the source material.
**Means that multi-channel source material can be downmixed to two channels.
*Means as many audio channels as are present in the source material.
**Means that multi-channel source material can be downmixed to two channels.
Disconnect the UNIDISK 2.1 from the power supply before cleaning. Remove dust and
fingerprints with a soft, dry cloth. Avoid using domestic cleaning products on the unit.
Owner's Manual