
Video Output
In order to set up your UNIDISK 2.1, you must first ensure that the unit is outputting the
correct video type for your display device.
TToo ddoo tthhiiss::
(adjust) on the handset. The current setting for the output video
type is shown on the front panel display. To change the video type, press
After a few seconds the type shown will disa88(w14.6(y)84.2cf.)]TJ-0.48 Tf18 0 0 18 57.0244 0 70.222 Tm0 g0 TTw(V)TjS.699 0 50D-0.0004 Tc8(againe0.383 09636-0.0001 Tc0.029 Tw(ideo 24.Menu1 TrT218 57.2244 0 70.222 Tm-0.00[(Abt vt)19.(s)]TJe)8hant)8han24.menu1 0.48 Tf9 0 0 9 82.5344 0 70.479 Tm0 g0 TTw(V)TjT.5049 092-0.0002 Tc0.027 Tw[(In ortputn-(t firc7(ect vien8(e)7.9(t up y)8n24.menu1r)2able.7(our di s)9.u.8(o)0.1( snge(e)24.i s)9.n(ting f)424.ig.7(e that 7(our di s(IDISK 2.)44.7(1, y)2.8(o)0.1( sngsuivt)19.pictt up .7(e that-0.3678 09222 TD0 Tc0 Tw(t)Tjf.383 0 39D-0.0003 Tc0.027 Tw[(ype iorme uo(y)84.f( changy(ont p)spla)14.7(y d6)21.8(vic716.9(e)28.7(.)]TJ,( changaudio7(e)-0.2(n witt up .p 9.69.8ch mo6(e)9.8(se)9.81( T)119Ioutpuee)-0.(s)]TJ-)]TJe) T)11ntial the uy(ont p)s u(e)-0.2(0.3678 -39D22 TD0 Tc[()19.(s)]0.2(n witt up .p menu1r7(ype s1( changin(y)84.f(vic9iormt)19.SK 2.)44.7(1, 6)2.abt vt8(onds tmpon)9.)6]TJ- changthe u outpu8(onds t) T)11nnide(ype sedr7(ype s1(vic)1-0.48)Tj02 Tc0.02724.le)6]TJa))16.(e)7.9(tsng7(ting a))16.k(e that-sng719.7ime.8(o)0.1( snge(e)24.i s)9.n(ting f)424.ig.7(e that 7(our di s(IDISK 2.)44.7(1, y)2.e(e)24.i.7(ect videl8(.)-0.1( -1.2224 TD-0.02 TTw(V)TjT.5049 092-0.0002 Tc0.027 Tw[(ype i19.menu1ra6(e)9.8(la) t)1dgin8(o)091( sng7(e)19.)spl8(onds a s)9.e(ype segoriee)-0.(:-0.48 Tf18 0 78 09222 T6670.0001 Tc0.029 Tw(ideo[(Gene6(e)9s al Ss)]TJe)8hant)8han2 s)9.p 0.48 Tf9 0 02222 TD0 Tc01 T952TTw(V)TjFo.0487 0567-0.0002 Tc0.027 Tw[(In orrge(e)24.i s)9.n(ting f)424.ig.7he)]TJ gene6(3ing algaudio79.69 t)19.(e)7.9(t up y)8n2 s)9.puo(y)8g f)sng719.is o. T)14-0.48 Tf18 0 77 056722 T6670.00 Tw(ideo[(.6(y)8g og6(y)8g e enst eic9isiv(e)24.7 Ss)]irc))9s an Ss)]ire)8 y)8n2 s.p 0.48 Tf9 0 02222 TD0 Tc01 T952TTw(V)TjFo.0487 0567-0.0002 Tc0.027 Tw7(In orrge(e)24.i s)9.n(ting f)424.ig.7he