
Your Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer is backed by the engineering excellence of
Life Fitness and is one of the most rugged and trouble-free pieces of exercise
equipment on the market today. Commercial Life Fitness exercise bikes are among
the most popular of aerobic trainers, regularly standing up to marathon use — 18
hours a day, 7 days a week — in health clubs, colleges and military facilities the
world over. This same technology and engineering expertise has gone into your
Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer.
Here are some preventive maintenance tips that will keep your Lifecycle 9500HR
exercise bike operating at peak performance:
l Locate your Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer in a cool, dry place. Do not
place it outdoors, near swimming pools or in areas of high humidity.
l Clean the seat surface, the pedals and the housing regularly with a soft, clean
cloth (you may use a non-abrasive liquid cleaner on the housing).
l Check the pin insertion regularly. If needed, lubricate the seat post with one or
two drops of machine oil or automotive wax.
l Keep the display console free of fingerprints and salt build-up caused by
sweat. Use a 100% cotton cloth lightly moistened with water and a mild liquid
detergent (other fabrics or paper towels may scratch the surface).
l Long fingernails may scratch the surface of the console. Use the pad of your
fingertip to press the console buttons.
l The pedal shaft should be cleaned and lubricated every six months. The cog
belt should be inspected annually. Refer to the directions on the following page
for instructions on how to remove the housing.