The Race Option
Formerly a program in and of itself, the Race mode now allows you to vary
your pedal resistance to simulate the feel of an actual 12-speed racing bike
in the Hill, Random and Manual programs. Turn the Race mode on at any time
and the Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer’s 12 effort levels are transformed
into the “gears” of a high performance road racing bicycle! The pedal resis-
tance will change with the speed at which you pedal, enhancing your work-
out enjoyment while also allowing you greater control over the program’s
intensity (the greater the resistance, the more LEDs will be illuminated). The
distance you travel and the calories you burn during your workout will also
vary with your pedal speed.
The Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer is a “constant work” machine; in the Hill,
Random and Manual programs, pedal resistance automatically compensates for
changes in RPM. In other words, the slower you pedal, the greater the resistance;
conversely, the faster you pedal the less resistance you feel*. The distance you trav-
el will remain the same; pedaling faster will not bring you to the end of a program
sooner nor burn more calories, assuring you of a consistent workout. If you prefer to
be “rewarded” for going faster, try the new Race mode option.
NOTE: Mileage readings are arbitrary and should not be used to compare workouts
in different programs. Total calories burned is the best measure of the amount of work
performed in any given workout.
*This is true as long as you pedal faster than 65 RPM. Below 65 RPM, the resistance will drop off to the point where you
can continue pedaling at a pace sufficient to maintain power to the console.