l The message center will prompt you to enter a time from 1 – 99 minutes. Key in
the time you want your workout to last and press ENTER.
l Finally, select a warm-up effort level from 0 – 12. The effort level will be dis-
played in the Data Entry Window (you do not need to press ENTER) and your
heart rate management program will begin a three minute warm-up at this level
or until you reach your target heart rate, whichever comes first, followed by the
actual heart rate controlled portion of the program.
The Fat Burn and Cardio heart rate management programs work by adjusting the
resistance of the Lifecycle 9500HR exercise bike in response to your heart rate.
These two programs use the technology of heart rate telemetry or Lifepulse digital
sensors to monitor your heart rate and automatically adjust the work load to main-
tain your target heart rate. The end result is a perfect workout every time, eliminat-
ing both under- and over-training.
On the Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer, the Fat Burn program will maintain your
heart rate at 65% of your theoretical maximum heart rate (defined by the American
College of Sports Medicine’s “Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription” as
220 minus your age), or another target heart rate that you enter. Pedal resistance
will automatically adjust to maintain the target heart rate. Exercising at 65% of your
theoretical maximum heart rate maximizes the aerobic benefits of exercise by
accessing the body’s fat stores for fuel.
The Cardio program is virtually identical to the Fat Burn program. The only differ-
ence is that your target heart rate is calculated at 80% of your theoretical maximum to
accentuate cardiovascular improvement by placing a heavier work load on the heart
muscle. If you wish to vary the focus of your exercise activities, once the warm-up is
complete, you may switch back and forth between the Fat Burn and Cardio pro-
grams at any time during a workout simply by pressing the ENTER key, creating the
ultimate interval training program!
Remember, you may change your target heart rate at any time after the warm-up
period by simply keying in a new target heart rate or pressing the ts keys or tog-
gling fat burn and cardio target heart rates using the ENTER key.
The Life Fitness Heart Rate Zone Training programs begin with a three minute
warm-up period designed to safely get you closer to your target heart rate from a
resting start. It should take two to three minutes for your heart rate to reach your tar-
NOTE: If your heart rate is above the chosen target during the warm-up period, the
warm-up period will immediately end and the Lifecycle 9500HR aerobic trainer will
begin automatically varying its resistance to maintain your target heart rate.