13. CAUTION- Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets above
cooktop-childrenclimbingonthe cooktopto reach itemscouldbe seriously
14. Donot touchgrill and surfaceburnerareas, areas near burners,or metal
landingspace. Duringand after use, these areas may be hot enough to
causeburns. Avoidcontactwiththeseareasbyclothingorotherflammable
materialsuntil they have had sufficienttime to cool.
15. Do not heat unopenedfood containers. Buildup of pressure may cause
containerto burst and result in injury.
16. Keep all controls"OFF" when unit is not in use.
17. Keep vent ducts unobstructed.
18. GREASE- Greaseis flammable and should be handledcarefully. Never
leaveanycookingoperation unattended. Letfat cool beforeattemptingto
handle it. Do not allow grease to collect around the cooktop. Wipe up
spillovers immediately.
19. If the cooktop is installed near a window, proper precautions should be
taken to prevent curtains from blowing over burners creating a FIRE
20. Donot usealuminumfoil to lineaerationtray or burnerbasin. Restriction
of normalair flow may result in unsafe operation.
21. Do not use cookwareon the grill section of this appliance.
22. Beforeservicing your appliance, disconnect power to the cooktop at the
main fuse or circuitbreaker panel and atthe electrical receptacle.
23. Always allow hot pans to cool in a safe place out of the reach of small
24. A faint gasodor may indicatea gas leak. Ifa gas odor isdetected,shut off
the gas supplyto the cooktop. Call your installer or local gascompany to
have the possible leak checked. Never use a match or other flame to
locatea gas leak.
25. Cleanonlypartslistedinthismanualanduseproceduresrecommended.
26. Flamesizeshouldbeadjustedsoit does notextendbeyondthe edgeof the
cookware. Thisinstructionis basedon safetyconsiderations.
27. Thisappliancehasbeentestedforsafe performanceusingconventional
cookware.Donotuseanydevicesor accessoriesthatare notspecifically
performanceproblems,and reducethe life of the componentsof the