• Itisimportanttokeepigniterportopeningsonburnersclearandfreeofobstructions
to avoid ignitionfailure and possiblegas buildup. If the portopeningsare blocked,
use a toothpickto remove food particles.
• The igniter cap and stem can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a plastic
scrubber. The wire electrode insidethe cap can be cleaned with a small brush. Rinse
and dry.
This area is located under the grill and surface burners and should be cleaned after each
use of the grill.
• To remove light soil, clean with soapy water or with cleaners such as Fantastic or 409.
For easier cleanup, a) spray with household cleaner; b) cover with paper towels; c)
add small amount of water to keep the paper towel moist; d) cover and wait 15
minutes; e) wipe clean.
• To remove moderate soil, scrub with Comet, BonAmi, a soft scrub cleanser or plastic
• To remove stubborn soil, spray with an oven cleaner; let soak overnight; wipe clean;
rinse and dry.
Drain Jar
A drainjar is locatedbelow the grillbasin pan
under the countertop. Check periodically to
prevent spillovers. Unscrew and remove. If
jar is broken, replace with any heat tempered
jar, such as a canning jar, which has a stan-
dard screw neck.
Serial Plate