I Using the Grill J
• Beforethe first use, washyour new grill gratesin hot soapy water, rinse and dry.
Then "season"the surface by wiping on a thin coating of cookingoil. Remove
excess oil by wiping again with another paper towel. This procedureshould be
repeatedwhen: a) cleaning in the dishwashersince the detergentmay remove
seasoning,or b)anytimea sugar-basedmarinade(for example,barbecuesauce)is
goingto be used.
• Use nonmetallicspatulasor utensilsto prevent damagingthe Excalibur®nonstick
grill grate finish.
• Preheatthe grillon Hi for5 minutes.Preheatingimprovestheflavorand appearance
of meatsand quicklysears the meatto help retainthe juices.
• Excessiveamountsoffat shouldbe trimmedfrommeats. Only a normalamountis
necessarytoproducethesmokeneededforthat smoked,"outdoor"flavor.Excessive
fat can createcleaningand flare-up problems.
• Allowingexcessiveamountsof greaseor drippingsto constantlyflame voids the
warrantyon the grill grates.Excessiveflare-ups indicatethat eitherthe grill interior
needstobe cleanedorthatexcessiveamountsof fat areinthemeatorthemeatwas
not properlytrimmed.
• Greasedrippingswill occasionallyignite to produce harmlesspuffs of flame for a
secondortwo. Thisisa normalpartof the cookingprocess.
Should excess grease cause sustained flare-up
1. Turn on FANmanually.
2. ImmediatelyturngrillcontrolknobstoOFF position.
3. Removemeatfromgrill.
• Donotusealuminumfoilinsidethe grillarea.
• Donotusecharcoalorwoodchipsinthegrillarea.
• Donotallowburnerbasintobecomeoverloadedwithgrease.Cleanaftereachuse.
• Donotcovergratescompletelywithmeat.Leaveairspacebetweeneachsteak,etc.