Programming—Chapter 7
287700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Call this function to populate the TCHAR array with the driver name.
Syntax UINT GetCurrentDriverName( TCHAR * );
Parameters Pointer to a TCHAR array which contains the name of the driver when successful.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful.
Remarks This function is called with a pointer to a TCHAR array that is large enough to hold th e name of
the driver PLUS the null terminator.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_GetCurrentDriverName)(TCHAR *);
UINT GetCurrentDriverName(TCHAR *);
Call this function to force the radio to reset to the last desired active pro-
Syntax UINT ResetRadioToSystemSave( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful.
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_ResetRadioToSystemSave)();
UINT ResetRadioToSystemSave();
Call this function to set the desired supplicant logging mode.
Syntax UINT EnableSuppLogging( ULONG );
Parameters NDIS_SUPP_LOGGING_ON Supplicant Logging Enabled
NDIS_SUPP_LOGGING_OFF Supplicant Logging Disabled
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful.
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_EnableSuppLogging)(ULONG);
UINT EnableSuppLogging(ULONG);