ProgrammingChapter —7
278 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Set Information Functions
Call this function to add a WEP key to the radio. Call this function multi-
last. For example, when adding four keys, and the second key is the default
transmit key, add keys 1, 3 and 4 before you add key 2.
Note: Addthedefaulttransmitkeylast.
Syntax UINT AddWep( ULONG, BOOL, TCHAR * );
Parameters ULONG Specifies the key index to be set. Valid values are 0–3.
BOOL When set to TRUE, specifies that this key is the default transmit key.
TCHAR Pointer to a character array that specifies the key data in e ither HEX (length of
10 or 26) or ASCII (length of 5 or 13). This string must be null-terminated.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks When adding WEP keys to the radio, turn off encryption before you add the keys, then turn en-
cryption back on afterwards. Also, be sure to add the TRANSMIT KEY last.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_AddWep)(ULONG, BOOL, TCHAR *);
Enables or disables WEP encryption on the radio (TRUE/FALSE).
Syntax UINT EnableWep( BOOL );
Parameters Set BOOL to TRUE to e nable WEP encryption, or FALSE to disable WEP encryption.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks Call this function with TRUE as the parameter to enable WEP encryption. Call this function with
the FALSE parameter to disable WEP encryption. This call is an alias for EncryptionStatus(). See
the following:
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_EnableWep)(BOOL);
UINT EnableWep(BOOL);