Programming—Chapter 7
283700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Call this function with a key index of 0–3 to remove the WEP key at that
Syntax UINT RemoveWep( ULONG );
Parameters ULONG value that specifies the key index to set. Valid values are 0–3.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks On disassociation with all BSSIDs of the current service set, WEP key is removed by the adapter.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RemoveWEP)(ULONG);
Helper Functions
If using the Intermec 802.11 Profile Management system, you can pro-
gram the API to configure the radio to a specific profile by passing the
profile name.
Syntax UINT ConfigureProfile( TCHAR * );
Parameters Pointer to a character array th at contains the profile name. This should be nu ll-terminated.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks Call this function with a pointer to a null-terminated TCHAR array that contains the name of th e
profile you wish to configure. This function reads profile data from th e profile manager, sets that
profile as the default active profile, and configures the radio appropriately.
If needed, the supplicant and any other related services are automatically started and stopped.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_ConfigureProfile)(TCHAR *);
UINT ConfigureProfile(TCHAR *);