Programmer’s Reference Manual 75
AC ’97 Audio Controller Registers (D30:F2)
2.2 AC ’97 Audio I/O Space (D30:F2)
The AC ’97 I/O space includes Native Audio Bus Master registers and Native Mixer registers. For
the ICH7, the offsets are important as they will determine bits 1:0 of the TAG field (codec ID).
Audio Mixer I/O space can be accessed as a 16-bit field only since the data packet length on
AC-link is a word. Any S/W access to the codec will be done as a 16-bit access starting from the
first active byte. In case no byte enables are active, the access will be done at the first word of the
QWord that contains the address of this request.
Table 2-2. Intel
ICH7 Audio Mixer Register Configuration
Primary Offset
(Codec ID =00)
Secondary Offset
(Codec ID =01)
Tertiary Offset
(Codec ID =10)
NAMBAR Exposed Registers
00h 80h 100h Reset
02h 82h 102h Master Volume
04h 84h 104h Aux Out Volume
06h 86h 106h Mono Volume
08h 88h 108h Master Tone (R & L)
0Ah 8Ah 10Ah PC_BEEP Volume
0Ch 8Ch 10Ch Phone Volume
0Eh 8Eh 10Eh Mic Volume
10h 90h 110h Line In Volume
12h 92h 112h CD Volume
14h 94h 114h Video Volume
16h 96h 116h Aux In Volume
18h 98h 118h PCM Out Volume
1Ah 9Ah 11Ah Record Select
1Ch 9Ch 11Ch Record Gain
1Eh 9Eh 11Eh Record Gain Mic
20h A0h 120h General Purpose
22h A2h 122h 3D Control
24h A4h 124h AC ’97 RESERVED
26h A6h 126h Powerdown Ctrl/Stat
28h A8h 128h Extended Audio
2Ah AAh 12Ah Extended Audio Ctrl/Stat
2Ch ACh 12Ch PCM Front DAC Rate
2Eh AEh 12Eh PCM Surround DAC Rate
30h B0h 130h PCM LFE DAC Rate
32h B2h 132h PCM LR ADC Rate
34h B4h 134h MIC ADC Rate
36h B6h 136h 6Ch Vol: C, LFE
38h B8h 138h 6Ch Vol: L, R Surround
3Ah BAh 13Ah S/PDIF Control
3Ch–56h BC–D6h 13C–156h Intel RESERVED
58h D8h 158h AC ’97 Reserved