Programmer’s Reference Manual 49
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.2.17 CORBUBASE—CORB Upper Base Address Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 44h Attribute: R/W
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
1.2.18 CORBWP—CORB Write Pointer Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 48h Attribute: R/W
Default Value: 0000h Size: 16 bits
1.2.19 CORBRP—CORB Read Pointer Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 4Ah Attribute: R/W
Default Value: 0000h Size: 16 bits
Bit Description
CORB Upper Base Address — R/W. Upper 32 bits of the address of the Command Output Ring
buffer. This register field must not be written when the DMA engine is running or the DMA transfer
may be corrupted.
Bit Description
15:8 Reserved.
CORB Write Pointer — R/W. Software writes the last valid CORB entry offset into this field in
DWord granularity. The DMA engine fetches commands from the CORB until the Read pointer
matches the Write pointer. Supports 256 CORB entries (256x4B = 1KB). This register field may be
written when the DMA engine is running.
Bit Description
CORB Read Pointer Reset — R/W. Software writes a 1 to this bit to reset the CORB Read Pointer
to 0 and clear any residual prefetched commands in the CORB hardware buffer within the Intel
High Definition Audio controller. The hardware will physically update this bit to 1 when the CORB
Pointer reset is complete. Software must read a 1 to verify that the reset completed correctly.
Software must clear this bit back to 0 and read back the 0 to verify that the clear completed correctly.
The CORB DMA engine must be stopped prior to resetting the Read Pointer or else DMA transfer
may be corrupted.
14:8 Reserved.
CORB Read Pointer (CORBRP)— RO. Software reads this field to determine how many commands
it can write to the CORB without over-running. The value read indicates the CORB Read Pointer
offset in DWord granularity. The offset entry read from this field has been successfully fetched by the
DMA controller and may be over-written by software. Supports 256 CORB entries (256 x 4B=1KB).
This field may be read while the DMA engine is running.