Programmer’s Reference Manual 33
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.1.43 VCiCAP—VCi Resource Capability Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Address Offset: 11Ch–11Fh Attribute: RO
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
1.1.44 VCiCTL—VCi Resource Control Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Address Offset: 120h–123h Attribute: R/W, RO
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
Bit Description
31:24 Port Arbitration Table Offset — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
23 Reserved.
22:16 Maximum Time Slots — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
15 Reject Snoop Transactions — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
14 Advanced Packet Switching — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
13:8 Reserved
7:0 Port Arbitration Capability — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
Bit Description
VCi Enable — R/W.
0 = VCi is disabled
1 = VCi is enabled
NOTE: This bit is not reset on D3
to D0 transition; however, it is reset by PLTRST#.
30:27 Reserved.
VCi ID — R/W. This field assigns a VC ID to the VCi resource. This field is not used by the ICH7
hardware, but it is R/W to avoid confusing software.
23:20 Reserved.
19:17 Port Arbitration Select — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
16 Load Port Arbitration Table — RO. Hardwired to 0 since this field is not valid for endpoint devices.
15:8 Reserved.
TC/VCi Map — R/W, RO. This field indicates the TCs that are mapped to the VCi resource. Bit 0 is
hardwired to 0 indicating that it cannot be mapped to VCi. Bits [7:1] are implemented as R/W bits.
This field is not used by the ICH7 hardware, but it is R/W to avoid confusing software.