
attempt shortcuts
Determines how the NHRP client decides when to originate resolution
Valid values: Y, N, Data-rate.
Y Yes. Always try to establish a shortcut VC by building a Next Hop
Resolution Request and sending it to the next hop station.
N No. Never try to establish a shortcut. Using this option essentially
disables the client function in the router. This setting might be used
in an intermediate router (one that is not an entry point into the
NBMA network for routed traffic) to eliminate the “domino effect”,
where traffic following the routed path triggers NHRP Resolution
Requests at each NHRP router along the path.
Try to establish a shortcut only after the datarate threshold is
Note: This setting can prevent the creation of VCCs for “one-time”
traffic, such as SNMP traps that are sent to an SNMP
Default: Data-rate.
Example: set attempt
Try shortcut VCs? (Yes, No, Data-rate) [Data-rate]?
holding time
Sets the holding time in minutes.
The holding time parameter is used for these functions:
v When the router responds to a Next Hop Resolution Request with
information about itself (that is, the router is to become the next hop
shortcut), the holding time is sent to the requestor as the length of time
that the information can be considered valid.
v When the router responds to a Next Hop Resolution Request with
information about another NBMA station that was not learned using
NHRP (for example, the destination station is an ATM device with an IP
address on one of the device subnets), the holding time is sent to the
requestor as the length of time that the information can be considered
Valid values: 1 - 60 minutes.
Default: 20 minutes.
Example: set hold
Holding time (in minutes) [20]?
data-rate threshold
Sets the data rate threshold in packets/second.
The datarate threshold is used when the attempt shortcuts parameter is
set to Data-rate.
When traffic is destined for a particular station, but the rate is less than this
threshold, then the router does not attempt to establish shortcuts. (In other
words, it does not generate Next Hop Resolution Requests and send them
NHRP Advanced Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2