
Configuring Connection Networks over HPR over IP
Config>p appn
APPN config>add connection network
Fully-qualified connection network name (netID.CNname) [ ]? supernet.cn1
Port Type: (E)thernet, (T)okenRing, (FR), (A)TM, (FD)DI, (I)P [ ]? ip
Limited resource timer for HPR (1-2160000 seconds) [180]?
Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
APPN config>add additional port
APPN Connection Networks Port Interface
Fully-qualified connection network name (CPname.CNname) [ ]? supernet.cn1
Port name [ ]? "en000"
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
Configuring an Extended Border Node
Spurs APPN config>p app
Spurs APPN config>set node
Enable APPN (Y)es (N)o [N]? y
Network ID (Max 8 characters) [STFDDD3]?
Control point name (Max 8 characters) [SPURS]?
Enable branch extender or extended border node
(0=Neither, 1=Branch Extender, 2=Border Node)[2]?
Subnet visit count(1-255) [3]?
Cache searches for (0-255) minutes [8]?
Maximum number of searches to cache (0(unlimited)-32765) [0]?
Dynamic routing list updates (0=None, 1=Full, 2=Limited) [1]?
Enable routing list optimization (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Route addition resistance(0-255) [128]?
XID ID number for subarea connection (5 hex digits) [00000]?
Use enhanced #BATCH COS (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Use enhanced #BATCHSC COS (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Use enhanced #INTER COS (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Use enhanced #INTERSC COS (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
Spurs APPN config>act
APPN is not currently active
Spurs APPN config>add rout
Routing list name []? list1
Subnet visit count (1-255) [3]?
Dynamic routing list updates (0=None, 1=Full, 2=Limited) [1]?
Enable routing list optimization (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Destination LUs found via this list:
(netID.LUname)[] ? net1*
(netID.LUname) []?
Routing CPs (with optional subnet visit count):
(netID.CPname ?) [ 3]? net2.router2
(netID.CPname ?) [ 3]?
Write this record? (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
The record has been written.
Spurs APPN config>add cos
COS mapping table name []? cos1
Non-native network (netID.CPname) []?net2.router2
Non-native network (netID.CPname) []?
Native and non-native COS name pair [ ]? #inter
Native and non-native COS name pair [ ]?
Write this record? (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
The record has been written.
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2