
Trouble Shooting Guide
The engine lacks power Air in fuel system
Clogged air filter
Fuel filter blocked
Defective excess flow valve
Low feed pressure
Defective feed pump
Incorrect timing of injection pump
Serious engine damage
Engine overheating Engine overloaded
Coolant level too low
Air intake or radiator blocked with grass or dirt
Fan damaged or not working
Too little or no oil in the engine
Defective radiator cap
Broken coolant pump drive belt
Battery does not charge One or more battery cells faulty
Poor contact on the battery terminal cable connectors
Defective generator
Generator drive belt broken or slipping
Breakage on cables to the generator
Insufficient battery maintenance
Sulphated battery
The machine vibrates The blades are loose
Damaged universal joint
The engine is loose
The hydraulic pump is loose
Damaged support bearings for power take off shaft
The bevel gear is loose
The engine is not running on all cylinders
Pulley loose or bearings worn in cutting unit
One or more blades imbalanced, caused by damage
or poor balancing after sharpening
Problem Cause