5 - 3
Suffix Selections
Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII Characters
You may need to emulate special keyboard functions, such as up or down arrows, Alt/Make or Alt/Break commands, that are not
supported in the Extended ASCII Character table. Refer to Alternate Extended ASCII Characters (page 5-3) for a range of key-
board function keys and corresponding decimal and hex characters. If you scan the Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII code,
any hex entries in a prefix or suffix will result in the corresponding Keyboard Function output.
Example: Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII is enabled, and you scan Add Suffix, then scan 9 9 8 9. All symbologies (99)
would have a suffix of a Page Down (hex 89) added to them.
When Transmit Normal Extended ASCII is selected, the normal extended ASCII character is transmitted ASCII Conversion
Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-2.
Example: Transmit Normal Extended ASCII is enabled, and you scan Add Suffix, then scan 9 9 8 9. All symbologies (99)
would have a suffix of a
character added to them.
Default = Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII.
Alternate Extended ASCII Characters
DEC HEX Keyboard Function DEC HEX Keyboard Function
128 80
up arrow
152 98 F9
129 81
down arrow
153 99 F10
130 82
right arrow
154 9A F11
131 83
left arrow
155 9B F12
132 84 Insert 156 9C Numeric Keypad +
133 85 Delete 157 9D Numeric Keypad -
134 86 Home 158 9E Numeric Keypad *
* Transmit Alternate Extended
Transmit Normal Extended