2 - 28
Block Check Character
When this selection is set to Transmit, the NCR Block Check Character (BCC) is expected with incoming messages and
transmitted with outgoing messages. Default = Transmit.
NCR Prefix
This selection allows you to program an NCR-specific prefix. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page
1252), page A-2 to find the hex equivalent for the characters you want for the NCR prefix (typically, 02 for STX). Scan the
bar code below, then set the hex number (from 0-FF) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart, then scanning Save.
Default = 0.
NCR Suffix
This selection allows you to program an NCR-specific suffix. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page
A-2 to find the hex equivalent for the characters you want for the NCR suffix (typically, 03 for ETX). Scan the bar code
below, then set the hex number (from 0-FF) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart, then scanning Save. Default
= 0.
NCR Prefix/Suffix
When set to Transmit, both the NCR prefix and suffix are transmitted with bar codes. Usually, prefixes and suffixes are
programmed using the Data Editing selections (see Data Editing beginning on page 5-1), however, the following commands
override any other prefix/suffix settings. Default = Don’t Transmit.