A - 7
ISO 2022/ISO 646 Character Replacements
Code pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. If the data received does not display with the proper charac-
ters, it may be because the bar code being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host pro-
gram is expecting. If this is the case, select the code page with which the bar codes were created. The data characters should
then appear properly.
254 FE þ ■
255 FF ÿ
Code Page Selection Method/Country Standard Keyboard Country Honeywell Code Page
United States
(standard ASCII)
ISO/IEC 646-IRV n/a 1
Automatic National Character
ISO/IEC 2022 n/a 2 (default)
Binary Code page n/a n/a 3
Default “Automatic National Character replacement” will select the below Honeywell Code Page options for Code128, Code
39 and Code 93.
United States ISO/IEC 646-06 0 1
Canada ISO /IEC 646-121 54 95
Canada ISO /IEC 646-122 18 96
Japan ISO/IEC 646-14 28 98
China ISO/IEC 646-57 92 99
Great Britain (UK) ISO /IEC 646-04 7 87
France ISO /IEC 646-69 3 83
Germany ISO/IEC646-21 4 84
Switzerland ISO /IEC 646-CH 6 86
Sweden / Finland (extended Annex C) ISO/IEC 646-11 2 82
Ireland ISO /IEC 646-207 73 97
Denmark ISO/IEC 646-08 8 88
Norway ISO/IEC 646-60 9 94
Italy ISO/IEC 646-15 5 85
Portugal ISO/IEC 646-16 13 92
Spain ISO/IEC 646-17 10 90
Spain ISO/IEC 646-85 51 91
Extended ASCII Characters (Continued)
DEC HEX CP 1252 ASCII Alternate Extended PS2 Scan Code