
Application Guidelines
PrecisionCell filters may be used wherever job
requirements dictate totally rigid filters and available
space will allow only minimal inline depth.
PrecisionCell filters should be selected using 24” x
24” and 24” x 12” face sizes. This allows for 12”
increments in height and width of the filter bank and
insures that replacement cartridges will be readily
PrecisionCell filters should be installed with separa-
tors vertical where ever possible. It is permissible to
install 24” x 12” face size cartridges with separators
horizontal if necessary to meet the size require-
ments of the filter bank.
We recommend that Prepleat 40 pleated panel fil-
ters or Precision Pak bag filters be used as prefilters
for PrecisionCell installations. Where there must be
long intervals between filter changes, we recom-
mend using 65% ASHRAE rated PrecisionPak as
prefilters. Refer to individual bulletins for perform-
ance data on these prefilters.
VAV Systems
Filter banks should be sized so that the maximum
rated flow at design conditions falls within the pub-
lished recommended velocities. PrecisionCell filters
may be applied at any capacity between zero flow
and cataloged capacities.
Hospital Applications
PrecisionCell filters are the preferred selection for
hospital systems where code or good practice
require that the filters be downstream of coils.
Gasketed Headers
PrecisionCell headered filters installed in Flanders
K-Trac Filter Framing Modules or Sureseal Side
Access Housings require gaskets on opposite head-
er sides to prevent air bypass.
To specify filters with gasketed headers, add suffix
“S” to “H” to the model number as follows:
Model Number - S: Gaskets are on the sides paral-
lel to the separators.
Model Number - H: Gaskets are on the sides per-
pendicular to the separators.
Guide Specifications
1.0 General
1.1 Medium and high efficiency rigid filters shall be
PrecisionCell extended media separator type
rigid filters as manufactured by Flanders.
1.2 Filter sizes, efficiencies and capacities shall be
as scheduled on the drawings.
2.0 Filter Construction
2.1 Filters shall be constructed by pleating a
continuous sheet of moisture-resistant water-
laid micro-fine glass media into closely spaced
pleats with hemmed-edge corrugated aluminum
2.2 The filter pack shall be sealed into a 24 ga. steel
2.3 The enclosing frame shall be assembled in a
rigid manner and shall incorporate a single or
double header as required by job conditions.
2.4 Filters shall be UL 900 Class 1 listed.
3.0 Performance
3.1 Initial and final resistances shall not exceed the
scheduled values.
3.2 Media area must equal or exceed that of the
specified filter.
3.3 The average efficiency shall be as determined
by the ASHRAE Standard 52.1 test methods.
3.4 The manufacturer shall guarantee performance
as stated in the literature within tolerances as
outlined in Section 7.4 of ARI Standard 850.
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
the filter and hvac store