Vapor Phase Air Filter
Models VC-xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx
See price book
Important Features
• Maximized carbon surface area
• Increased efficiency and capacity
• Low initial static pressure
• Consistent carbon distribution
The Flanders Vaporclean vapor phase adsorbers
are designed for removal of molecular contami-
nants at low concentration levels while utilizing the
proven technology of dry processed carbon com-
posite media, (DPCC). The adsorbers provide high
efficiency removal of multiple contaminants for
applications within museums, archive storage facil-
ities, airports and semiconductor fabrication facili-
Technical Description
The carbon media is manufactured with a dry
processed carbon composite of ultrafine 30 x 50
mesh activated carbon with a minimum carbon
tetrachloride activity of 90% per ASTM D-3467. The
high efficiency carbon granules are thermally bond-
ed to polyester nonwoven bicomponent fibers. The
pleated media pack is contained within a 24 ga gal-
vanized steel casing and bonded with a polymide
hot melt adhesive to maintain rigidity and eliminate
air bypass. Pleat spacing and alignment is main-
tained with high impact polystyrene plastic separa-
tors installed on both air entering and leaving sides.
Product Options
The Vaporclean adsorbers are available with five
contaminant specific dry processed carbon com-
and hydrocarbons.
as SO2 and NO2.
organic ammine compounds.