
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
Superflow-V extended surface area low pressure
drop minipleat filters are designed for use in most
commercial and industrial HVAC systems where
medium to high efficiency filtration is required.
Superflow-V filters are available in average efficien-
cy ranges: 65%, 85%, 95% and 98% per ASHRAE
Standard 52.1 test methods and 95% DOP. They
may be operated at face velocities from 0 to 750
fpm. Superflow-V filters are UL 900 Class 2 listed.
Superflow-V filters are constructed of multiple mini-
pleat panels bonded to flame-retardant plastic pan-
els on top and bottom to make an unusually strong
assembly that is both corrosion and moisture resist-
ant. Aerodynamic extruded vertical supports mini-
mize air entry turbulence. Superflow-V filters are
totally rigid making them ideal for variable air vol-
ume (VAV) systems, as well as applications down-
stream of supply fans.
Lowest Pressure Drop
Superflow-V minipleat filters have an exceptionally
low clean pressure drop unmatched by most any fil-
ter of the same efficiency. This affords low fan ener-
gy costs during much of the life of the filter system.
In addition, they are the filters of choice for pack-
aged air conditioning systems that do not have the
fan capacity of larger central systems.
Longer Service Life
The ratio of media area to nominal face area of
Superflow-V filters is an extremely high 48:1, result-
ing in a much longer service life than most any filter
of comparable efficiency and depth. Longer service
life means material and labor cost savings and less
disruption of systems caused by filter change-out
shutdowns. High dust holding capacity is a key ben-
efit of a filter with increased media area.
Physical Data
Media: Moisture-resistant microfine fiberglass
Filter Pack: Minipleat panels
Media Support: Adhesive
Top and Bottom Panels: Flame-retardant plastic
Vertical Supports: Aerodynamic extruded vertical sup-
Operating limits: 160 °F and 100% RH continuous duty
Actual Header Size: Nominal size less 5/8” (e.g. a nom-
inal 24” x 24” filter is actually 23-3/8” x 23-3/8”)
Actual Depth: 11-1/2”
Important Features
• Lowest clean pressure drop for energy savings
and applicability to small fan systems
• Longer service life because of a very high ratio of
media to nominal face area
• Aerodynamic vertical supports minimize air entry
• Minipleat panels provide rigidity for VAV systems
and resistance to turbulent air flow
• May be operated from 0 to 750 fpm face velocity
in either air flow direction
• Moisture resistant for humid air applications
Extended Surface Minipleat Filters
DOP: 95%: SFV D95xxxx ASHRAE 98% SFV98xxxx
ASHRAE 95% SFV95xxxx 85% SF85xxxx 75% SFV75xxxx
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