CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 42
Symbol map (Array of UI )
The symbol map, which has a list of symbol index numbers, is used to define the symbols for the symbol set.
This map defines the combinations of symbol index numbers and character codes.
5.2.4. Symbol set control command
Esc*c#S (27)(42)(99)#(83) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<53h>
• Values for # can be 0, 1, 2, 4, or 5.
0 specifies to delete all temporary and permanent user-defined symbol sets.
• 1 specifies to delete all temporary user-defined symbol sets.
• 2 specifies to delete current user-defined symbol set.
• 4 specifies to make current user-defined symbol set temporary.
• 5 specifies to make current user-defined symbol set permanent.
5.2.5. Selecting the symbol set
Esc(symbol set ID (27)(40) <1Bh><28h>
• This command selects the symbol set (character set) for the primary font.
• Symbol set IDs consist of a number followed by a letter.
• Default symbol set ID is Roman-8. If an invalid default symbol set ID is selected, the symbol set becomes
• The selectable symbol set varies depending on the printer model.
Symbol set Set primary font Symbol set Set primary font
ISO 60 : Norwegian 1 Esc(0D ISO 57 : Chinese Esc(2K
ISO 61 : Norwegian 2 Esc(1D ISO8859-1 (ECMA-94) Latin
ISO 4 : United Kingdom Esc(1E Wingdings Esc(579L
Windows 3.1 Latin 2 Esc(9E PS Math Esc(5M
ISO 25 : French Esc(0F Ventura Math Esc(6M
ISO 69 : French Esc(1F Math-8 Esc(8M
HP German Esc(0G Symbol Esc(19M
ISO 21 : German Esc(1G ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 Esc(2N
ISO 15 : Italian Esc(0I ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 Esc(5N
Microsoft Publishing Esc(6J ISO 11: Swedish; names Esc(0S
Desk Top Esc(7J PS Text Esc(10J
HP Spanish Esc(1S Ventura International Esc(13J
ISO 17 : Spanish Esc(2S Ventura US Esc(14J
ISO 10 : Swedish Esc(3S ISO 16 : Portuguese Esc(4S
ISO 14 : JIS ASCII Esc(0K ISO 84 : Portuguese Esc(5S
ISO 85 : Spanish Esc(6S Windows 3.1 Latin 5 Esc(5T
PC Turkish Esc(9T ISO 6 : ASCII Esc(0U
Legal Esc(1U ISO 2 : IRV Esc(2U
Roman 8 Esc(8U Windows 3.0 Latin 1 Esc(9U
PC-8 Esc(10U PC-8 D/N Esc(11U
PC-850 Esc(12U Pi Font Esc(15U
PC-852 Esc(17U Windows 3.1 Latin 1 Esc (19U
MC Text Esc(12J