CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 38
• The command sets all pen widths to a default of 0.35mm. Hence it should be used before the PW
• Using the command with no parameter defaults the type to 0 (metric) and all pen widths to 0.35mm.
• The unit type is not affected by a DF command.
10 '-Pen Width Unit Selection-
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;";
60 'metric
70 LPRINT PA2000,6000;PDPA6000,6000;PU;" 'Default 0.35mm
80 LPRINT "WU0;PA2000,5700;PDPA6000,5700;PU;"'0.35mm
90 LPRINT "WU0;PW1.5;PA2000,5400;PDPA6000,5400;PU;"'1.5mm
100 LPRINT "WU0;PW0.8;PA2000,5100;PDPA6000,5100;PU;"'0.8mm
110 "-relative unit
120 LPRINT "PW;PA2000,4600;PDPA6000,4600;PU;"'Default 0.35mm=4dot
130 LPRINT "IP1000,1000,9000,7000;"
140 LPRINT "WU1;PA2000,4300;PDPA6000,4300;PU;"'300*10/1016=2dot
150 LPRINT "IP1000,1000,5000,4000;"
160 LPRINT "WU1;PA2000,4000;PDPA6000,4000;PU;"'300*5/1016=1dot
170 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";
180 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
190 END
<Sample 47>
7.6. Character Plot Instructions
Instruction Function
SD Define Standard Font
AD Define Alternate Font
SS Select Standard Font
SA Select Alternate Font
FI Select Primary Font
FN Select Secondary Font
LB Define Label
DT Define Label Terminator
LO Label Origin
DI Absolute Direction
DR Relative Direction
DV Define Variable Text Path
CP Character Plot
CF Character Fill Mode
SI Set Absolute Character Size
SR Set Relative Character Size
SL Set Character Slant
SB Scalable or Bitmap Fonts
ES Extra Space
TD Transparent Data