The printer status to be sent to the host computer are ;
• Device status changes - printer cover open, paper jams, paper out, etc
• Job status changes - completion of the printing of a job, receiving a
• Page status changes - ejecting a printed page
All the unsolicited status information (USTATUS DEVICE, JOB, PAGE and TIMED) is turned off at once
by the USTATUSOFF command. Each status can be turned off individually by the corresponding
USTATUS command.
The USTATUS TIMED command specifies after which time period the printer sends the unsolicited status
information and is turned off by setting the time increment to zero with this command.
To get information about the current settings or possible settings for unsolicited status, use the INFO
USTATUS command.
@PJL USTATUS variable = value [<CR>]<LF>
Response Syntax
@PJL USTATUS variable <CR><LF>
returned option [printable characters or <WS>] <CR><LF>
returned option <CR><LF>
Variable Value
DEVICE ON Makes unsolicited device status valid for any status change (printer
VERBOSE Makes unsolicited device status valid for any PJL parser warning, error
and status changes
OFF Makes unsolicited device status invalid for any status change
JOB ON Makes unsolicited job status (reporting job start/job end) valid
OFF Makes unsolicited job status invalid
PAGE ON Makes unsolicited page status (reporting respective page printed and
ejected) valid
OFF Makes unsolicited page status invalid
TIMED 5 to 300 Makes timed unsolicited status (allowing the printer to send back
unsolicited status after an interval specified in seconds) valid
0 Turn TIMED USTATUS off (Makes timed unsolicited status invalid)
7.6.1. Device variable
The @PJL USTATUS DEVICE command allows the printer to send status messages when the printer
status changes. The printer will send the status by the status code shown in the table below.
Status code Status
10000 - 10999 Status information such as printer on-line or off-line.
11000 - 11999 Status of available paper in paper input sources, such as paper empty and auto-
switching to another paper source.
20000 - 20999 PJL parser errors. The entire command line of a PJL command is ignored when
an error (except for code 20004 ) occurs.
25000 - 25999 PJL parser errors. Part of a PJL command is ignored when the error occurs.
27000 - 27999 PJL semantic errors, which means that they are grammatically acceptable but
cannot be executed. For example, attempting to lock the only unlocked paper
tray causes this error.
30000 - 30999 Errors which do not stop the printing procedure if the CONTINUE is set to
AUTO (auto continue mode). If the CONTINUE mode is set to STOP, the
printer stops printing and goes to off-line status and only resumes when the
CONTINUE or SEL key are pressed.
Status code Status