Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 6
Gravimetric Blender
When the pause-command is given for a temporary stop the blender will stop after the
cycle is complete.
Stop requested
The blender is operating but has received a stop-command. The stop-command will be
executed at the end of a batch-cycle. This status will be replaced automatically with ‘standby’
if nothing is done. If a start-command is given during the status ‘stop requested’ the status
will be ‘operate’ again.
The controller has detected an error and therefore the system will stop. In a sub-menu at
the operator-interface the error will be displayed. The error situation can be recovered using
the <ENTER> command. The error must be solved then.
2.3 Machine-mode
The controller can be in two modes: Automatic and Manual. The operator can change the
mode using the menu item ‘controller’. This changing of mode is only possible while the
blender has status ‘standby’.
If a controller is in Automatic-mode, the recipe will be executed without the need of
an operator. This mode is used for production purposes and is only dependent on the
settings ‘production-mode’.
In automatic mode the keys mentioned below mean:
F5 Start-command (start-key)
F6 Stop-command (stop-key)
F7 Pause-command
F8 Continue-command (clear pause)
After a start-command in Manual-mode one batch will be executed. After this the machine-
status will be ‘standby’ again. The weighbin and mixbin-valve can be controlled manually.
In manual mode the keys mentioned below meaning:
F5 Step-command (One component of a batch)
F6 Reset-command (Back to the fi rst component of a batch)
F7 Empty weighbin
F8 Empty mixbin