Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 4
Gravimetric Blender
The FGB control system incorporates the latest in computer and micro processor
technology for total automation of recipe entry and stora ge, inventory control and process
monitoring. The control panel (user-interface) is provi ded with a micro-controller and
industrial PC with LCD-display, functional keyboard, fi ber optic communication cable (or
RS-422) and parallel printer port.
Features are:
• data storage of all plant raw materials.
• easy call up of materials for the formulation of recipes.
• fast identifi cation of recipes and call up for machine operation.
• automatic regrind control within chosen limits, so that regrind generation is matched
with usage.
• automatic additive to regrind control.
• a fi xed weight of blended material can be produced according to any of the stored
• screen display of all process operation.
• reports of material used and batch histories can be printed on an optional printer
• storage facility for components and recipes.
• functions are menu driven and take the operator through the required sequence of
actions with simple instructions.
• the software is pre-programmed with many options for the future, these are blenders
you won’t outgrow.
Options are:
• automatic stock silo control.
• extra level control of the blender hoppers.
• extra level control of the machine hopper.
• control and data for materials management systems.
• different language on the display.
• automatic loading of the hoppers can be provided separately with Ferlin loaders or
others of your choice.
• several blenders may be linked to a central user-interface to give integrated inventory
control over the whole process.