
Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 32
Gravimetric Blender
3.4.3 Hardware-reactiontime
The adjustment of the number of pulses is very important for the autopulse system of the
FGB-M05. When dosing less than 8 gram of material, the GraviMaster will switch over to the
autopulse system. In the hardware-reactiontime the opening time can be adjusted by increasing
the clockpulses. One clockpulse is 5 ms (0,005 s).
The autopulse system does not caculate the rate in g/s but in g/puls. It calculates how many
pulses he needs for an amount of material. This is why it is very important that the opening time
of the pulse is not too long, because it cannot dose accurate anymore.
Standard adjustment:
Time (s)
1 3 0,015
2 4 0,020
3 4 0,020
4 3 0,015
3.5 Overview of parameters
The controller has a great number of parameters. The parameters are necessary to control
the machine with all its features. The parameters are broken down into two groups; public-
parameters and protected-parameters. Free parameters may be changed by an operator,
protected parameters may only be changed if the password is given.
3.5.1 Public parameters
Below a list is given of all parameters which are attainable by the menu (F1) controller /
public parameters.