398 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
OPTIONS The following options are supported:.
OPERANDS The following operand is supported:
■ When the system board (XSB: eXtended System Board) belonging to the specified
PSB is in any status below, the testsb(8) command results in an error.
■ XSB is installed in the domain and this domain is in operation.
■ XSB is installed in the domain and this domain is in OpenBoot PROM (ok>
prompt) status.
-c {all|expansion} Specifies the target PSB to be diagnosed. One of the values
shown below can be specified:
all Diagnoses all the PSB that are mounted.
If the following conditions not satisfied, it leads to an
■ The system has been powered off.
■ All of the target PSB are Uni-XSB.
expansion Diagnoses all the PSB that are mounted
on the expansion cabinet.
If the following conditions not satisfied, it leads to an
■ All of the target PSB are not operating on the domain.
■ All of the target PSB are Uni-XSB.
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or
operands, an error occurs.
-m diag=mode Specifies the diagnostic level of initial diagnosis. One of the
values shown below can be specified:
min Normal (default)
max Maximum
-n Automatically answers 'n' (no) to all prompts.
-q Suppresses all messages to stdout, including prompts.
-v Displays a detailed message of initial diagnosis.
-y Automatically answers 'y' (yes) to all prompts.
location Specifies only one PSB number. An integer from 00–15 can be