
System Administration 183
address Specifies an IP address. The specified value is a set of four
integer values delimited by the period (.). The following address
form is accepted:
xxx An integer from 0255. Zero suppression
can be used to specify the integer.
interface Specifies the network interface to be configured. One of the
following values can be specified:
For midrange server:
For XSCF unit 0 :
xscf#0-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#0-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#0-if Interface between XSCF units (Inter SCF
Network; ISN)
For abbreviation:
lan#0 an abbreviattion of XSCF-LAN#0
lan#1 an abbreviattion of XSCF-LAN#1
For high-end server:
For XSCF unit 0 :
xscf#0-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#0-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#0-if Interface between XSCF units (Inter SCF
Network; ISN)
For XSCF unit 1 (when a duplicated configuration is used):
xscf#1-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#1-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#1-if ISN
For takeover IP address:
lan#0 takeover IP address for XSCF-LAN#0
lan#1 takeover IP address for XSCF-LAN#1