
342 XSCF Reference Manual Last Revised June 2007
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
interface Specifies the network interface whose information is to be
displayed. One of the following values can be specified,
depending on the system configuration. If this operand is
specified with the -a option, the operand is ignored.
For midrange server:
For XSCF unit 0 :
xscf#0-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#0-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#0-if Interface between XSCF units (Inter SCF
Network; ISN)
For abbreviation:
lan#0 an abbreviattion of XSCF-LAN#0
lan#1 an abbreviattion of XSCF-LAN#1
For high-end server:
For XSCF unit 0 :
xscf#0-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#0-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#0-if Interface between XSCF units (Inter SCF
Network; ISN)
For XSCF unit 1 (when a duplicated configuration is used):
xscf#1-lan#0 XSCF-LAN#0
xscf#1-lan#1 XSCF-LAN#1
xscf#1-if ISN
For takeover IP address:
lan#0 takeover IP address for XSCF-LAN#0
lan#1 takeover IP address for XSCF-LAN#1