entry for “Eisenbahn”, you see the
following Soft Keys:
Press… To…
* go to the empty
English word search
look up any inections
for “Eisenbahn”.
go to a grammar topic
describing nouns.
look up Confusables
for your English word.
add “Eisenbahn” to My
German Vocabulary List.
Please remember, the Soft Keys
vary based on the book you are
in. These are the Soft Keys while
in the PONS Großwörterbuch
Note: When there is no active
word, for example at an empty
word search screen,
goes to the main menu of the
Grammar Guide, displays
My Vocabulary List, goes
to the full text search screen, and
goes to the Confusables
search screen.
Spell Correction
If you type a misspelled word,
inected form, or a word not in a
book, nothing in the word list will
be highlighted as a match. Press
ENTER to view a list of possible
spelling corrections for the word
as you typed it.
Press or to highlight the word
you want, then press ENTER to
look it up.
If you are uncertain about how
to spell a word, type a question
mark (?) in place of each unknown
letter. To nd prexes, sufxes,
and other parts of words, type
an asterisk (]) in a word. Each
asterisk stands for zero, one or
more letters.
Note: If you type an asterisk at the
beginning of a word, it may take
a little while to nd the matching
Looking Up a Word Looking Up a Word
* In the PONS Großwörterbuch Englisch-
Deutsch, this item reads and goes
to the empty German word search screen.
† The Soft Key is only available
in the PONS Großwörterbuch Englisch-
Deutsch. Please see “Confusables by
Franklin” on page 20 for more information.