In addition the fan/s will modulate (cycle for 30 seconds) as set in (FPC) evaporator fan On / Off Ratio.
The parameter is set at 1.
Changing the setting to 0 will have the fan running with the compressor. Set to 1 the fan will run for 30 seconds on
and 60 seconds off. Set to 2 the fan will run for 60 seconds on and 60 seconds off and set to 3 the fan will run for
90 seconds on and 60 seconds off.
With FPC set to 1, 2 or 3 the fans will generate less heat into the cabinet therefore reduce the requirement of the
condensing system.
Parameter FPC will only function with the parameter FTC set for YES. With FTC set to NO the fan will run all of the
time apart from during defrost when it will be off during electric and hot gas defrost but on during a timed off cycle
Fan Operation.
The evaporator fan/s will run normally when the compressor is running but will commence cycling when the
compressor is in the off cycle mode.
The fans will run without the compressor during timed off cycle defrost but will not run during hot gas or electric
For models that don’t have door switches fitted the fuzzy logic will not function as the controller is unable to monitor
door opening factors.
Auto Defrost operation.
The defrost frequency is determined by the usage of the machine.
In the economy mode it may not perform a defrost as by monitoring the air temperature, evaporator temperature
and door opening factor it may decide that there is insufficient ice build up on the evaporator so defrosting is not
The parameter DFR (defrost frequency) is set for 3. The cabinet will perform at least 1 defrost per day and with the
setting at 3 it has the potential to initiate up to 2 additional defrost in the economy mode.
Should the cabinet experience constant usage the controller will switch automatically to the second parameter
settings indicated by the controller LED adjacent to illuminating, which could under circumstances of heavy
usage initiate up to 6 defrosts per day.
The second parameter settings preceded by 11 will now be active,
It is important to note that during the first few days of operation the defrosting frequency may be at regular intervals
but these will reduce as the controller monitors the operation.
Controller Electrical Connections
Air and Evaporator Probes
The air and evaporator probes are the same and are identified as T1 Air Probe and T2 Evaporator Probe. These
are the K2 NTC thermistor type and are fully enclosed to make it completely waterproof and resilient to temperature
variation within the limits of rapid cycling. The probe is capable of measuring temperature in excess of -30°C and
50°C with 1°K accuracy at 1°C and no more than 2°K at the upper and lower temperature ranges.
Probe temperature resistance values
°C K ohm °C K ohm °C K ohm °C K ohm °C K ohm
-25 19.402 -15 11.644 5 4.571 15 2.987 25 2
-20 14.961 -10 8.133 10 3.682 20 2.437 40 1.143