
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any button.
There is no further action that can be taken by the user in this instance. During this period the unit will continue to
operate but have a reduced performance.
Action: Replace Probe.
Evaporator Temperature Probe Failure. (Automatic Defrost Cabinets Only)
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any button.
There is no further action that can be taken by the user in this instance. During this period the unit will continue to
operate satisfactorily, but this failure will have an effect on the defrost and therefore efficiency if allowed to
Action: Replace Probe.
Information Menu
Pressing and releasing activates the information menu. From this menu you can display the
temperature relating to T1 (air probe), T2 (evaporator probe, if fitted) and T3 (condenser probe, if fitted).
The maximum temperature (THI) and the minimum temperature (TLO) the cabinet has achieved since it was last
The total operating time of the condenser (CND), since it was last cleaned, and the keyboard status (LOC).
The information to be displayed can be selected sequentially by pressing repeatedly or scrolling
through the menu using the or buttons.
Once selected press to display the value
Exit from the info menu by pressing or is automatic after 6 seconds if no buttons are pressed.
To reset the temperature settings recorded in THI and TLO and the hours counted in CND, access the info menu
press to display the value plus simultaneously for resetting to be completed.
To check the LOC status scroll through to LOC, press to display status – YES to lock keys. – NO to leave keys
NOTE: with the keys locked it is not possible to turn the unit off or ON or to check the set point
Parameter Setting and Adjustment
It is strongly advised that before adjusting any Service Parameters a thorough understanding of the
following instructions should be obtained.
The parameters are accessed by pressing the following keys in succession +
and keeping them pressed for 5 seconds.
After this period the first parameter ‘SCL’ will be displayed.
Press button to pass from one parameter to the next and button to go back.
Press to display the value + or to change it.
Exit from set up is by pressing or is automatic if no buttons are pressed for 30 seconds
Fuzzy Logic.
These are settings that maintain the temperature of the cabinet in a more energy efficient manner.
It works by controlling the evaporator fan/s, defrost and temperature in low usage times by transferring the
operation to a second set of economy parameters.
When the cabinet is first switched On the economy settings control the operation of the temperature and will remain
at those settings until the controller, by monitoring the door opening frequency and the air and evaporator
temperatures, identifies a higher usage and switches over to the 11SM (2nd parameter set management).
When the economy settings are activated the cabinet temperature is allowed to rise to the setting (SP) setpoint [1].
This is set to a higher temperature setting to allow the air temperature to rise without having much of an impact on
the product temperature.