
Check temperature set point.
Important to note that the ability to increase and decrease the set point is not a function available to the user as the
set point is fixed. To make adjustments to the set point it is necessary to access the parameter and alter SPL and
SPH accordingly.
Check set point by pressing the button
To increase set point press + until required temperature is displayed.
To decrease set point press + until required temperature is displayed.
Factory Temperature Set Point
Refrigerator +1°C to +4°C
Meat 0°C to 2°C.
Freezer -18°C to -21°C.
Exit from set up occurs after 10 seconds if no button is pressed.
Manual Defrost.
To initiate a manual defrost press and hold will be displayed release.
On completion of the defrost will be displayed until the cabinet temperature is achieved and then it will
revert to displaying the normal cabinet temperature.
Set Unit to Standby.
Press display shows
This indication is displayed while the unit is not operating but with mains power applied to the unit. This mode may
be used for internal cleaning regimes and short periods when the unit is not required.
For extended periods of inactivity the mains supply should be isolated.
Alarm and Warnings
High temperature alarm
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any of the buttons, however it will return after the
pre-set designated period. The unit returning to normal operating temperature will automatically cancel the alarm.
Possible Causes: Evaporator fan not working. Restricted airflow through airduct. Evaporator iced up. Compressor
not working.
Low temperature alarm.
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any of the buttons and the unit will continue to operate,
however it will return after the pre-set designated period. The unit returning to normal operating temperature will
automatically cancel the alarm.
Possible Causes: Controller faulty (not switching compressor off). Compressor secondary relay will not de-
energise (low temperature models).
Door Open Alarm. (Only applies to cabinets fitted with door switches.)
Will be displayed.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing.
The display will continue to display the alarm message until cancelled by shutting the door.
If the alarm cannot be cancelled by doing this call your Foster Authorised Service Company.
Possible Causes: Faulty door switch. Door left open for more than 5minutes.
High Pressure Alarm (Only applies to machines fitted with a condenser probe).
Will be displayed
This alarm relate to the condenser which must be checked and cleaned at regular intervals the frequency being
determined by site conditions.
The alarm will sound but can be silenced by pressing any of the buttons and the unit will continue to operate,
however it will return after the pre-set designated period. The unit returning to normal operating temperature will
automatically cancel the alarm.
Possible Causes: Condenser fan not working. Condenser blocked/ dirty. Condenser obstructed.
Air Temperature Probe Failure.